Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Intel Oak Trail Tablets with Android Honeycomb at Computex

In times when almost daily announced a new smartphone or tablet on Android-based acts, Intel is not represented inside such devices. This may scrape the pride and the market shares of the Group strongly, leading now Intel is also somewhat more active. At Computex, which is launched today, the Group has some of their own (ODM) and the Tablets of the partners issued to date. These run up to the Foxconn F150, which is equipped with Ginger Bread, all with Honeycomb 3.0.1, which is designed for tablets.

According to the testimony of colleagues from Engadget, Intel Oak Trail Tablets are obviously overwhelmed with the OS. In the exhibited devices are Intel Green Ridge, F150 Foxconn, Quanta QXZI, Intel Marco Polo 2 and Intel Carrot. The launcher animations have already made major difficulties for the systems. The whole thing runs so far and so were some colleagues did not even start a video, because it was held by Intel's booth staff it. One suspects, therefore, that the project is started, but it still takes time until it reaches the market. All are therefore still problems, reminiscent of the port of Android 1.6 for x86 systems, in itself a powerful notebook has difficulty with the animations.

It was striking that the Android Market has been lacking. Intel asserted that the final version will have the market. So you have to wait even longer for the Intel Tablets are ready for market.

Source: Engadget

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