Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Microsoft to buy Skype for 8.5 billion U.S. dollars

Skype made ​​a name for himself early in the VoIP business and was acquired in 2005 by eBay. Skype is now re-enters the owner and ends up in the possession of Microsoft, whose takeover fund should be well filled, after all, Windows 7, the most successful operating system ever.

But much more important than the owner is for most people the question of what happens to the free service, the world stayed online for free calls and phone calls to fixed networks abroad after all, very cheap offers? Mircorsoft promised at today's adoption, that the free service for all platforms will remain free and will not adjust to the development.


The basic structures are in Skype remain as before, and even the sun constellation CEO Tony Bates retains his post. So would you secure the preservation of non-Microsoft platforms, according to the press averaging, while the Microsoft service branch closely with existing services and will integrate. Sun will soon integrate Skype for the Xbox, and Windows Kinect Phone 7 are available and the existing Microsoft services such as search engine Bing. Also in the Outlook Suite Skype will be integrated in order to make communication easier for business partners. The price is currently around 860 million active Skype users amounted to 8.5 billion dollars, or about almost 6 billion euros. Microsoft's current plans are likely to offer customers many advantages probably needed by the company from Redmond to help them compete in the future against competitors.

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