In preparation for the Mobile World Congress (MWC), three new LG Android smartphone and a new tablet has been announced. So now, among other things, the screen sizes are known: The Optimus L3 has built a 3.2-inch display, the Optimus L5 comes with a 4-inch screen and is the largest unit of the series, which adorns Optimus L7, a 4.3 inch large display. In addition to the L3 in March are in the European shelves. The L5 and L7 are big brothers will follow in the first half.
For Tablet smartphone LG Optimus Vu hybrids are also more information about the inner life: In addition to a capacitive 5-inch IPS screen that can display 1024x768 pixels, 32 gigabytes of flash memory, 1 gigabyte of RAM and a 1.5 is installed radioed gigahertz clocked dual-core processor of Qulacomm including the LTE network. The unit is also equipped with a 4:3 aspect ratio optimally suited for his documents and e-books and is considered a direct competitor to the Galaxy Score - Optimus Vu also can be controlled via stylus. For sufficient duration to provide a 2080 mAh battery. All equipment should be equipped with sales starting in Europe with Android 4.0 - Optimus Vu will start in Korea still comes with Android 2.3. Prices were not mentioned above.
Source: LG
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