Before the official launch of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Samsung unveiled its new 10-inch Android tablet. The Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) has a 1 gigahertz dual-core processor, a display with 1280 x 800 pixels and 4.0 Android operating system. A true challenger iPad3 it is not.
Is powered by a 588-gram tablet of a 1.0 GHz dual core processor. He is assisted by 1 gigabyte of memory available.
Two memory versions are available: with 16 gigabytes or 32 gigabytes. An expansion by memory card is available in both.
Similarly unspectacular as the processor is also the screen: With 1280 x 800, it is little more detailed than a top smartphone display. The tablet comes in a 3G (= UMTS / HSPA) and a WiFi version. The UMTS / Wi-Fi version comes with UMTS / HSPA + (reception. Max 21 Mbit / s) and fast wireless internet. GPS and GLONASS receivers are two models available as well as Bluetooth 3.0 and Wi-Fi Direct.
The Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) has a 3 megapixel camera on the back that takes videos in HD. A VGA camera on the front page is also available. The operating system Android is 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) was used. Its 7000 mAh battery provides plenty of performance.
The Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) Table 2 extends the series by Samsung, you were already presented a few days before the 7 inch version of Tab 2 (7.0).
Similarly unspectacular as the processor is also the screen: With 1280 x 800, it is little more detailed than a top smartphone display. The tablet comes in a 3G (= UMTS / HSPA) and a WiFi version. The UMTS / Wi-Fi version comes with UMTS / HSPA + (reception. Max 21 Mbit / s) and fast wireless internet. GPS and GLONASS receivers are two models available as well as Bluetooth 3.0 and Wi-Fi Direct.
The Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) has a 3 megapixel camera on the back that takes videos in HD. A VGA camera on the front page is also available. The operating system Android is 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) was used. Its 7000 mAh battery provides plenty of performance.
The Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) Table 2 extends the series by Samsung, you were already presented a few days before the 7 inch version of Tab 2 (7.0).
The main features of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1)
Processor: 1.0 GHz Dual Core
Display: 10.1 inch TFT display with 1280 x 800 pixels
Memory: 6 GB of RAM, 8 GB (internal memory), expandable: Micro SD
Camera: 3 megapixel autofocus camera (back), VGA Camera (front)
Operating System: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
Faster Internet Access: UMTS / HSPA + (reception: 21 Mbit / s transmission: 5.76 Mbit / s)
Display: 10.1 inch TFT display with 1280 x 800 pixels
Memory: 6 GB of RAM, 8 GB (internal memory), expandable: Micro SD
Camera: 3 megapixel autofocus camera (back), VGA Camera (front)
Operating System: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
Faster Internet Access: UMTS / HSPA + (reception: 21 Mbit / s transmission: 5.76 Mbit / s)
wireless (802.11 b / g / n) (3G version)
Battery: 7,000 mAh
Weight: 588 grams
Dimensions (L x W x D): 257 x175 x 9.7mm...
Battery: 7,000 mAh
Weight: 588 grams
Dimensions (L x W x D): 257 x175 x 9.7mm...
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